Entrepreneurship awards with money prize for two ArtAbout’s clients!

On Tuesday, June 25, the winners of the “Stelios Awards for Young Entrepreneurs in Greece 2019″ were announced. Of the ten winners, two are close associates of ArtAbout: Aithrio, a trading company in Kalamata, and Freights, an online truck and truck exchange platform based in Thessaloniki!

The two companies received the prize money of 10,000 € each, and the award was given by Sir Stelios Hadjiioannou, founder of easyJet, the easyGroup group and the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation. These awards are given each year as part of the Stelios Philanthropic Foundation’s activities, and aim at boosting entrepreneurship to stimulate economic growth and job creation. This year, 74 companies were nominated and 10 were awarded. The big prize of 30.000€ was received by the HEMPOILSHOP company.

At ArtAbout we are particularly proud of our clients who manage to stand out in the business arena!

For Aithrio, we undertook the migration from the Shopify platform to Magento eCommerce, while designing the corporate identity of the company. We have delivered custom solutions for the optimal presentation of the products and we completed the eshop’s integration with the Softone’s commercial software. For Freights, we designed the interface for the entire Freights application where the requirements, specifications, and complexity were high and we entirely designed their corporate identity.

We are certain that good news for our customers will keep coming!!!
